Primary Intervention of Calcific Left Main Trifurcation with Low Ejection Fraction
By Ayman Azoz
Ayman Azoz
Ayman Azoz1
Dallah Namar Hospital, Saudi Arabia1,
View Study Report
Complex PCI - Left Main
Primary Intervention of Calcific Left Main Trifurcation with Low Ejection Fraction
Ayman Azoz1
Dallah Namar Hospital, Saudi Arabia1,
Clinical Information
Relevant Clinical History and Physical Exam
A 75 - year-old male patient presented to us by typical chest pain that started 6 hours before coming to our ER. He has Past history of IHD; DM; HTN; Rheumatoid arthritis and bleeding Peptic ulcer and was admitted 3 years ago by unstable angina for which PCI to LM - LAD by 2 DES and Ramus by one DES were done under ECMO and mechanical ventilation support (patient refused CABG at that time; EF was 25 % ).


Relevant Test Results Prior to Catheterization
hs Trop - i 2748.8 pg / ml; CKMB: 15.5 ng/ml. 12 leads ECG revealed sinus rhythm; ST segment depression in leads I ; AVL; and V2 - V6. The patient was loaded with 600 Clopidogrel and 300 mg ASA and transferred to the cath lab.
Stenting LM 2.avi

Relevant Catheterization Findings
Coronary angiography was done through 7Fr. Rt Femoral artery and showed: LM: Atherosclerotic artery that trifurcates to LAD; LCX and Ramus. Diffuse 90 % ISR in the LM LAD: Patent prior deployed stent from osteal to mid LAD with 90 % ISR in the osteal LAD and 70 % ISR in its mid segment. LCX: Atherosclerotic, non - dominant, giving 2 OM branches. Tight lesion in the osteal LCX. RCA: Dominant vessel that had proximal moderate lesion. Ramus: Patent stent in with 50 % ISR.
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Stenting LCX.avi
Kissing Ramus and LCX.avi

Interventional Management
Procedural Step
The LM was engaged by EBU 3.5 7 Fr. guiding catheter and a 0.014'' BMW guidewire was advanced to distal Ramus and another 0.014'' Pilot 50 guidewire was advanced to distal LAD. The LM and osteal LAD were dilated using 1.25 X 20 mm, 2.0 X 20 mm balloons up to 16 and 28 ATM respectively; followed by 3.0 X 12 mm and 4.5 X 20 mm NC balloons up to 28 ATM each. After dilatation of the Ramus and its kissing with the LAD; stenting of the LM - LAD done using 4.0 X 12 DES followed by second kissing of LAD and Ramus. After dilatation of the LCX, stenting of the LCX done from proximal to ostium using 2.5 X 15 mm DES which crushed by a 2.75 X 12 mm balloon that was parked in the Ramus. After post dilatation of LCX; A DCB 2.75 X 20 mm was delivered to the Ramus and inflated at its proximal to ostium up to 16 ATM for 90 sec then a kissing balloon was done to Ramus and LCX using the DCB in the Ramus and a 2.5 x 12 NC in the LCX up to 12 ATM. Another kissing was done to the LAD and Ramus using 3.0 x 12 mm balloon to LAD and the previous DCB in Ramus up to 12 ATM; then triple kissing was done using 3.0 X 12 mm ; 2.75 X 20 mm and 2.5 X 12 mm balloons to the LAD; Ramus and LCX respectively and inflated up to 10 ATM. Final POT to the LM was done using 5.0 X 12 mm NC balloon up to 14 ATM. The mid LAD was dilated using NC balloon 3.0 X 12 mm up to 28 ATM; then a DCB 2.75 X 20 mm was delivered to the mid LAD and inflated up to 20 ATM for 90 sec. TIMI III flow achieved and no instant complication.
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Case Summary
The incidence of ISR is very high, about 10% of all PCI cases. Acute STEMI with heavily calcific LM has a high risk of mortality. The in-hospital mortality rate in patients with STEMI due to unprotected LM coronary artery stenosis remains high and was previously estimated to be at 47.8 % and nowadays 30 – 40%. PCI for Patients with STEMI and unprotected LM treated during night - time in comparison to the day - time are related to higher in - hospital, 30 - day and 12 - month mortality. Successful PCI to LM – LAD – LCX – Ramus were done for our patient with double bifurcation techniques and triple kissing and discharged home safely after three days without any complication.